lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009

Test vacacional

Llegint blogs de l'altra gent i tenint molt poca feina a fer, certament, he decidit copiar un test de la meva amiga Laura i fer-lo:

Three names I go by:

1- Ada

2- Truffauta

3- Petita

Three jobs I have had in my life:

1- Hotel receptionist

2- Babysitter

3- Secretary

Three places I have lived:

1- Landerneau

2- Lindsengericht

3- Athens (Atlanta)

Three places I have been:

1- The U.S.A.

2- Iceland

3- Peru

Three places I plan to visit in the future:

1- Canada

2- Russia

3- China

Three favourite beverages:

1- Guiness

2- Tea

3- Soya milk

Three of my favourite foods:

1- Boiled rice (my grandma's boiled rice specially)

2- Crêpes

3- Pasta

Three things that are always by my side:

1- Kleenex

2- Leti Balm

3- A bottle of water
Three of my favourite colors:
1- Green
2- Yellow
3- Purple
Three things I am looking forward to:

1- Travelling

2- Getting started with my Breton course

3- Being a mother

5 comentarios:

Claire dijo...

mmmm va, potser m'animo i faig alguna dia aquest test... ara em fa una mica de pal, la veritat, ho ho tindré en compte, OK?

Gemma dijo...

Being a mother... :)
Xuli! Una mini Ada al món. A veure quan, va... a veure! :)

Fins aviat i records al "future father"!

Ada Guilà dijo...

Jajajajajaja, diu looking forward to, no que sigui imminent ehh! Però algun dia, de fet com tothom, però em fa il·lusió, clar. Ja en tenim edat eh! Jejejeje. Petons als dos també!

Laura rus dijo...

being a mother?? waa això m'ha espantat! clar clar... ostres, però a la llarga, no? xD

Ada Guilà dijo...

Jajajaja, tothom s'espanta!!! Diu look forward to, i repeat!!!! A la llarga... bueno sí, dos anyets més, va!